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Source Data set: Carollo F. (2023). Circularity in construction and demolition waste management chain, Ph.D. Dissertation (Tutored by Rigamonti L., Ceruti F.). Politecnico di Milano. Background datasets from the EcoInvent database cut-off (v. 3.8) were used for the LCA study. (en)
Data set information
Short name Carollo F. (2023). Circularity in construction and demolition waste management chain, Ph.D. Dissertation (Tutored by Rigamonti L., Ceruti F.). Politecnico di Milano. Background datasets from the EcoInvent database cut-off (v. 3.8) were used for the LCA study.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Publications and communications
Publication type Undefined
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Time stamp (last saved) 2022-12-04T22:32:21.000
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 43c46b50-2fca-40d7-bd88-99eb181594dd
Data set version 01.00.000
Permanent data set URI ../sources/43c46b50-2fca-40d7-bd88-99eb181594dd.xml